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Willamette Valley is a land of opportunity.
With its unique blend of natural beauty, rich resources, and a supportive business environment, this region in central-western Oregon is an attractive destination for entrepreneurs seeking to establish and grow their ventures.
And that’s why we’re here. We’re here to serve innovation-based businesses in Marion, Polk, and Yamhill counties – to connect them with the resources they need to facilitate their growth.
Our Purpose
Our mission is to foster economic advancement in Marion, Polk, and Yamhill counties by providing businesses with the tools and assistance they require to thrive.
We accomplish this by:
Complementing existing service providers, universities, major employers, and local assets
Providing inclusive services and outreach regionwide
Offering guidance to early-stage businesses
Cultivating community
Connecting startups to venture capital
Strengthening ties between industry, service providers, and universities
We are led by the Strategic Economic Development Corporation (SEDCOR), a non-profit agency mandated to support enterprise growth in the Mid-Willamette Valley region.
Key Partners
Partnerships are essential to the work we do. We work closely with:
Chemeketa Small Business Development Center
Chemeketa Community College
McMinnville Economic Development Partnership
City of Independence
Latino Business Alliance
Indy Idea Hub
George Fox University
Oregon Manufacturing Extension Partnership
Chehalem Valley Innovation Accelerator
Our Partners